Swedish AWACS aircraft in tandem with F-16 will help drive Russian aircraft away from launch lines by at least 40 km - expert

Swedish AWACS aircraft in tandem with F-16 will help drive Russian aircraft away from launch lines by at least 40 km - expert

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 30 2024, 11:57 AM  •  133837 views

Swedish AWACS ASC 890 long-range radar detection aircraft in tandem with F16 fighters will significantly strengthen the capabilities of Ukraine's air defense, detecting Russian missiles, aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles at long distances.

Sweden recently announced a new military assistance package, including the AWACS long-range radar detection aircraft (ASC 890). According to military expert Valery Ryabykh, this aircraft will become the "eyes" for our air situation awareness system even outside the country's borders. He told about this in a comment to the journalist UNN.

The AWACS ASC 890 aircraft will become the eyes for our system of awareness of the air situation of the country and beyond its borders. In fact, this is a radar in the air, which bypasses all the characteristics of those radars that are on the ground. After all, the Earth is round, and radar waves are straight, so at a certain distance from the radar, a gray zone appears that enemy aircraft do not fall into

- says expert Valery Ryabykh.

He says that the radar on this aircraft has a 150-degree view on each side of the aircraft, which allows you to scan an area with a range of 450 km, and identify the fighter at a distance of 330 km.

"Having such an aircraft and placing it in the right places and using its target detection tools, you can passively observe the enemy, detect the take - offs of its army aviation and missile launches at an early stage, and direct the actions of air defense," Ryabykh notes.

According to the expert, this aircraft has the ability to exchange information in real time.

"For example, it detects some targets, such as missiles or shaheds, where they are not seen by radar and transmits this information to strategic aviation aircraft. This aircraft, in tandem with the F-16, will help drive Russian aircraft away from their launch lines for at least 40 km. When we adjust the operation of the F-16, we will be able to hit enemy aircraft at long distances," he says.

The expert says that this aircraft will detect and identify not only aircraft or missiles, but also the radar equipment of the Russians on their territory and adds that the Russians have similar aircraft - this is the A-50, but still there is a certain difference.

"According to the principle of operation, they are identical, but they differ in their capabilities, both declared and real. The best planes of the Russians have already been destroyed, while others are in an uncertain technical condition, and repairs are impossible due to the imposed sanctions," he concluded.


Sweden will hand over to Ukraine a powerful long-range radar detection aircraft AWACS ASC 890, which will significantly increase the capabilities of Ukraine's air defense by detecting Russian missiles, aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles in the early stages of approach.