Sikorsky to the Russian ambassador: how does what Russia is doing with abducted Ukrainian children differ from what the Nazis did

Sikorsky to the Russian ambassador: how does what Russia is doing with abducted Ukrainian children differ from what the Nazis did

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 25 2024, 08:29 AM  •  68189 views

At a meeting of the UN Security Council, Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski accused Russia of abducting Ukrainian children. He compared these actions to Nazi crimes during World War II.

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council, repeatedly addressed Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzi, in particular, asking him "how what Russia is doing with abducted Ukrainian children differs from what the Nazis did to Polish and Russian children," UNN reports, citing TVN24.


"It so happened that in Poland I live three kilometers from the site of a former Nazi filtration camp during World War II. It is known that thousands of children from Poland and the Soviet Union, from the vicinity of Smolensk and Vitebsk, were imprisoned there," Sikorsky said.

"About 800 of these children died, and thousands were transported west to become Germanized blond, blue-eyed Aryan children who were deemed racially fit," he added.

"Therefore, I have a few questions for the Russian ambassador and his superiors," Sikorsky said. "How is what you are doing with the stolen Ukrainian children different from what the German Nazis did with your children and ours? How many Russian officials have adopted such stolen Ukrainian children?

The head of Polish diplomacy reminded that abduction of children is a crime tantamount to genocide. "Permanent representatives of the Security Council should be guardians of peace, not wage war against the children of other nations. This is a shame for Russia that will be neither forgiven nor forgotten," he emphasized.

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