SBU uncovers two more mobilization evasion schemes: among detainees are TCC employees from Kherson region

SBU uncovers two more mobilization evasion schemes: among detainees are TCC employees from Kherson region

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 10 2024, 01:29 PM  •  8223 views

In Kyiv and Kherson, 6 people were detained for helping to evade the draft. Among the detainees are lawyers, TCC officials, and an employee of the ASC, and they face up to 10 years in prison.

Law enforcers exposed two more schemes  to evade mobilization. As a result of complex measures in Kyiv and Kherson, 6 suspects were detained who helped people liable for military service to evade conscription. This was stated by the Security Service of Ukraine, reports UNN.


Among the detainees are lawyers, officials of the TCC and the administrative services center.

In particular, two lawyers were detained in Kyiv , who offered conscripts to hide from mobilization through illegal employment at a state-owned defense enterprise.

Meanwhile, in Kherson , three more TCC officials and their accomplice, an employee of the local administrative services center responsible for working with persons liable for military service, were caught in a corruption "scheme for evaders".

Currently, two detainees from Kyiv were served a notice of suspicion under Part 2 Art. 28, Part 3 Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of influence committed by prior conspiracy).  The actions of the defendants from Kherson are qualified under Part 3 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an unlawful benefit by an official). The criminals are in custody. They face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property

- the SBU summarized. 


Investigators found out that the lawyers detained in Kyiv organized the formal passage of the military medical commission for their clients and "accompanied" the documents to the TCC to avoid the procedure of serving the summons.

To do this, the lawyers used their personal connections in the military commissariats and military registration and enlistment offices in the capital.

Then they sent their clients' documents for appointment to positions in the ranks of the state-owned enterprise with further reservation from mobilization.

As for Kherson, law enforcement officers documented how the detained ASC employee updated the data of men of conscription age and offered them assistance in avoiding mobilization.

The defendant then passed the clients' personal data to her accomplices in the TCC, where they removed the evaders from the military register due to "poor" health.


The SBI has submitted to court a case against the former head of the Odesa TCC for forgery and evasion from service. He faces up to 10 years in prison for going on vacation abroad during the war.