russians closed dispensaries in TOT for Ukrainians - National Resistance Center

russians closed dispensaries in TOT for Ukrainians - National Resistance Center

Kyiv  •  UNN

March 2 2024, 03:58 PM  •  103765 views

russians in the occupied Ukrainian territories have closed medical facilities for Ukrainians and demanded russian passports, restricting rights and encouraging them to renounce Ukrainian citizenship.

russian occupants have closed dispensaries in the temporarily occupied territories for Ukrainians. This was reported by the National Resistance Center, UNN reports.


The Russians continue their policy of restricting the rights of Ukrainians on their native land. In the temporarily occupied territories, russians have banned medical examinations for Ukrainians. In this way, they encourage local residents to obtain a russian passport

- the statement said.

It is noted that when obtaining a russian passport, russians force Ukrainians to write a renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship, although this is not recognized by Ukrainian law and is not required by russian law.

The National Resistance Center notes that anyone involved in restricting the rights of Ukrainians in their native land will certainly be held accountable for their actions.


The National Resistance Center told how the FSB uses Ukrainians in its operations.