Romanian Chief of Staff calls to prepare for war with Putin

Romanian Chief of Staff calls to prepare for war with Putin

Kyiv  •  UNN

February 2 2024, 04:31 AM  •  42238 views

The Chief of the General Staff of the Romanian Armed Forces called on European countries, including Romania, to prepare for the possibility of Russian aggression spreading westward, saying that Vladimir Putin could escalate further if he succeeds in Ukraine.

European and Romanian citizens in particular should prepare for the possible spread of Russian aggression to the West, as Putin will escalate if he wins in Ukraine. This was stated by the Chief of the General Staff of the Romanian Armed Forces Georgica Vlad in an interview with the Romanian service of Radio Liberty, UNN reports.


Vlad emphasized that Russia "has become a problem for the world order and for democracy," so it is actually at war not just with Ukraine, but "with the entire democratic world.

The population of Romania, as well as the entire population of the European Union, Europe, should be worried, and we must take appropriate measures to be prepared for a possible attack

He added.

The head of the Romanian General Staff noted that Moldova could be next.

I am more than confident that President Putin will escalate in the near future

 said Vlad.

Georgice said that the Romanian Ministry of Defense has already prepared draft amendments to the Law on Preparing the Population for Defense. It provides for the introduction of voluntary military service and may be considered by the end of 2024.

"It is important that this happens this year, because all NATO countries and all of Europe can buy time. Time is a precious resource, and I believe that not a single second should be wasted. This is the moment when all European countries should think about preparing their populations. I don't want to spread panic, but this is the reality we live in

The general emphasized.