Monitoring of the Seim and Desna continues, no pollution detected in Kyiv region - SEI

Monitoring of the Seim and Desna continues, no pollution detected in Kyiv region - SEI

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 2 2024, 01:59 PM  •  7626 views

The State Environmental Inspectorate monitors the state of the Seim and Desna rivers, measures are being taken to eliminate the consequences of pollution in Chernihiv Oblast, and positive dynamics of restoring the ecological state of the Seim River is observed in Sumy Oblast

The State Ecological Inspectorate is monitoring the state of the Seim and Desna rivers, the state of water within the Kyiv region is satisfactory, no pollution has been detected, measures are being taken to eliminate the consequences of pollution in Chernihiv region, and positive dynamics of restoring the ecological state of the Seim River is observed in Sumy region, the SEI reported on Monday, UNN reports.


In the Kyiv region, the head of the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Capital District, Yana Mayboroda, reported the results of four days of monitoring of the Desna River. "According to the monitoring data, the state of water within the Kyiv region is satisfactory, no pollution has been detected," the SEI said, noting that water samples are constantly being taken.

It is also reported that specialists from the Chernihiv Oblast State Environmental Inspectorate have taken water samples in the Seim River near the town of Baturyn for analysis.

"Serhiy Zhuk, head of the Chernihiv Oblast State Environmental Inspectorate, announced that urgent measures have been taken to address the pollution of the Desna River. Over the past four days, water samples have been taken for laboratory testing. The contaminated section of the river has reached the village of Kladkivka. The main efforts are aimed at eliminating the consequences in the Chernihiv region, in particular in the villages of Makoshyno and Maksaky," the statement said.

In his report, the acting head of the SEI in Sumy region, Valeriy Piyuk, reportedly reported on "the positive dynamics of restoring the ecological state of the Seim River in the area from the state border with Russia to the village of Chaplyshchi in Sumy region.

Piyuk noted that "the monitoring results showed a slight increase in the content of dissolved oxygen in the water, a decrease in the intensity of the unpleasant odor and the restoration of the natural color of the water." "These changes are accompanied by the return of pollution-sensitive fauna species such as ducks and frogs to the river," the State Environmental Inspectorate said.

"The State Ecological Inspectorate provides systematic monitoring of the ecological state of the Seim and Desna rivers. Based on the data from laboratory tests and expert assessments, a set of measures is being developed and implemented to preserve water resources," the statement said.

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