It makes no sense for the rich, and 1 thousand won't be enough for the poor: economist on the support program for every family

It makes no sense for the rich, and 1 thousand won't be enough for the poor: economist on the support program for every family

Kyiv  •  UNN

03:59 PM • 32398 views

Economist Oleh Pendzin believes that the UAH 1,000 payment program needs to be revised. According to him, the mechanism through Diia will make it difficult for low-income people to receive funds, and the program itself is not in the budget for 2024.

There is no point in giving 1,000 hryvnias to rich people, and this amount will not be enough for the poor. Therefore, according to economic expert Oleh Pendzyn, it is worth reconsidering the concept of the proposed support program for Ukrainians and focusing on the truly low-income categories. He told about this to the journalist of UNN

The fact that it is unlikely to bring anything to the country's economy is true, because we previously withdraw approximately the same amount from the Ukrainian economy in the form of taxes and then return it to people in the form of handouts. That is, by and large, there will be no positive or negative aspects

- Penzin said. 

However, the economist pointed out the social aspect of this program. 

The entire civilized world helps socially vulnerable groups, not everyone. What's the point of giving a thousand hryvnias to a person who spends two or three times as much in a restaurant? There is no point in giving to rich people, they will not even notice the money, and for the poor, that thousand hryvnias will definitely be too little. So I would probably think that it would be worth reconsidering the very concept and not giving money to people, but giving it to the disabled, the poor, the internally displaced, and pensioners. That is, to those for whom this money will be extremely important

- Penzin said. 

The economist also commented on the mechanism of receiving funds. 

We have heard tentative proposals on the mechanism of how the money should be distributed among people. The mechanism through a virtual card that can be opened in Diia via a smartphone is definitely not the mechanism by which a pensioner or a low-income person can receive money, because they do not have these smartphones, they do not understand exactly what a virtual card of Ukrainian cashback is. Therefore, in my opinion, it should be as simple as possible for this category of people

- Penzin said. 

In addition, he noted that at the legislative level, at least amendments to the law on the state budget should be made. 

Because there is no such program in the 2024 budget today. And if it does not exist, it must be introduced, because otherwise the money cannot be distributed. Moreover, the President has set the task to distribute the money by December 1, and knowing the speed of consideration of legislative initiatives in the Verkhovna Rada, this can take a very long time. Today, there is no program in the state budget that could be used to distribute the money

- Penzin said.


On October 25, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy instructed the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to introduce a new support program for Ukrainians starting December 1, under which they will be able to receive one thousand hryvnias per family member. 

First Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Oleksiy Sobolev said that Ukrainians will receive UAH 1,000 per person, regardless of age or social status. These funds can be used during the winter months of December, January and February.

The money will be transferred to the National Cashback virtual card, which can be opened through the Diia app. Sobolev clarified that the funds will be “labeled,” meaning that there is a limited list of areas where they can be spent.