Information about Reznikov's alleged acquisition of American citizenship is fake

Information about Reznikov's alleged acquisition of American citizenship is fake

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 7 2024, 09:23 AM  •  38781 views

Information about the alleged acquisition of American citizenship by former Defense Minister of Ukraine Alexey Reznikov is completely fictional and is spread by Russian sources as disinformation.

The information spread by Russian sources that the former minister of defense of Ukraine Alexey Reznikov  allegedly received American citizenship is completely fictional. About it UNN reports with reference to the volunteer internet project StopFake.


Russian media write that ex-minister Alexey Reznikov allegedly received US citizenship. Moreover,  - he allegedly even wrote about this on his Instagram page. At the same time, the Russians claim that the primary source of this news is the American CNN.

However, StopFake checked the website of the media organization CNN, the company's pages in social networks and did not find such news there, which is distributed by Russian sources. The last mention of Reznikov is found on CNN back in 2023, when he was still the head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Also in Reznikov's social networks, there is nothing about the fact that he allegedly received American citizenship.

According to the project, Russian propaganda periodically spreads disinformation that Ukrainian politicians or military personnel have allegedly acquired citizenship of other countries. Thus, the Russians want to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and the Army, creating a false impression that they do not believe in the victory of Ukraine and are preparing to flee abroad.