Informant of pro-Russian blogger working for the FSB will spend 9 years behind bars

Informant of pro-Russian blogger working for the FSB will spend 9 years behind bars

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 8 2024, 02:57 PM  •  20717 views

A resident of Mykolaiv, recruited by the FSB to spy for Russia, was sentenced to 9 years in prison after being exposed by the SBU.

A member of the FSB agent network who "leaked" intelligence to a pro-Kremlin blogger was sentenced to 9 years in prison. The criminals' activities were exposed in early October 2023. This was reported by the SBU, UNN reports.


A 33-year-old resident of Mykolaiv, who was remotely recruited by the Russian secret service to cooperate in the Russian agent network immediately after the start of the full-scale invasion of Russia, was convicted.

The attacker tried to identify the places of temporary basing of the AFU headquarters and the main routes of movement of military equipment of Ukrainian defenders. In addition, he was conducting additional reconnaissance of enemy "arrivals" after massive Russian air attacks on the territory of the region.


In early October last year, the SBU conducted a large-scale special operation in Mykolaiv region, neutralizing a Russian agent network. The SBU detained 13 enemy accomplices who were reconnoitering the positions of the Defense Forces and adjusting Russian air strikes in the region.

It was established that Russian informants passed the coordinates of Ukrainian facilities to the FSB through a "liaison". This was the pro-Kremlin blogger Sergey Lebedev (better known by his pseudonym "Shaggy"). 

Lebedev himself was served with a notice of suspicion by the SBU on July 13.

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