India has returned 45 of its citizens who were recruited by russia for the war in Ukraine

India has returned 45 of its citizens who were recruited by russia for the war in Ukraine

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 13 2024, 02:49 PM  •  9390 views

The Indian Foreign Ministry has announced the demobilization of 45 citizens from the russian army who fought in Ukraine. Efforts are underway to return another 50 people who were fraudulently recruited to fight in the war.

45 Indian citizens have been demobilized from the russian army, and diplomats are making efforts to return another 50 people. As UNN writes with reference to Deutsche Welle, this was reported by the Indian Foreign Ministry.


According to the Indian Foreign Ministry, 45 Indian citizens who were recruited by russian mediators and forced to join the russian army and fight against Ukraine have been taken out of the war zone and dismissed from the russian army. Efforts are being made to free another 50 people, the Indian television channel NDTV quoted a spokesman of the ministry as saying.


It is reported that during Indian PM Narendra Modi's visit to Moscow in July 2024, rf head putin assured that russia will fire all Indians who were misled, drafted into the russian army and sent to fight in Ukraine.

In May, India's Central Bureau of Investigation announced the arrest of four people suspected of being part of a large human trafficking network whose members recruited young men to work in russia, where they were forced to sign contracts with the defense ministry upon arrival.

Earlier, a member of the Indian parliament, Vikramjit Singh Sahneib, said that more than 90 Indian citizens had been tricked into sending to Ukraine to fight on russia's side. He added that at least eight of them died and it was not possible to return their bodies to their homeland. According to the MP, most Indian citizens who get to the war are invited to russia under the pretext of providing jobs and then forced to sign contracts with the Defense Ministry without an interpreter. Often people realize that they have gone to the front only when they arrive at the place.


russia recruits foreign students through deception and coercion, promising money and residency permits to induce them to sign military contracts, and then sends them to Ukraine without any support.

Россия вербует на войну кубинцев - BloombergJuly 20 2024, 05:17 AM • 105342 views