In " ProZorro.Sales " successful auctions for the sale of apartments of Saldo and Shelkov collaborators were held

In " ProZorro.Sales " successful auctions for the sale of apartments of Saldo and Shelkov collaborators were held

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 22 2024, 12:25 AM  •  23348 views

Two confiscated apartments belonging to Russian oligarchs and collaborators Mikhail Shelkov and Vladimir Baldo were successfully sold at ProZorro auction.The sale amount amounted to more than UAH 6.9 million, the proceeds went to the fund for the elimination of the consequences of armed aggression.

May 21, 2024 in the state electronic trading system "ProZorro.Sales " held the first online auctions for the sale of confiscated apartments of collaborators, announced by the State Property Fund (SPFU). This was reported by the press service of "ProZorro.Sales", reports UNN.


According to the CEO of ProZorro.Sales " by Sergey bout, auctions for the sale of the property of one of the Russian oligarchs and collaborators were held for the first time in the ProZorro system.Sales", which allows you to sell all assets associated with the aggressor country in a transparent and open way.

He noted that these are repeated auctions for the sale of apartments, where the cost of objects is halved. Despite this, a total of 11 participants came to compete for sanctioned property.

Competition of participants at the auction allowed to increase the starting price, and after the conclusion of transactions based on the results of online auctions, the fund for the elimination of the consequences of armed aggression will receive more than UAH 6.9 million

Booth commented.


The price of the apartment, which belonged to Mikhail Shelkov, started at auction with almost 3.8 million Hryvnia. Two participants competed for it, the highest rate was more than 4 million hryvnias. Four-room living space of 175.5 sq. located in a house with a closed territory in the Primorsky District of Odessa.

Vladimir Baldo'S apartment was put up for auction by the SPFU with a starting price of almost UAH 1.9 million. As a result of the competition with 9 participants, its final cost was more than UAH 2.9 million. The property with an area of almost 130 sq. located near Arcadia Beach in Odessa.

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