Hackers put up for sale the data of 30 million customers of the Spanish bank Santander

Hackers put up for sale the data of 30 million customers of the Spanish bank Santander

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 1 2024, 12:50 AM  •  45652 views

Hackers put up for sale the data of 30 million Santander Bank customers, including bank account details, credit card details and employee data, after hacking banking systems in mid-May.

ShinyHunters hackers, who won the data of customers and employees of Santander Bank in mid-May, put it up for sale on a hacker forum as stated in the announcement of the sale, they have the data of 30 million bank accounts. clients of the Bank, 6 million rubles. account numbers, balance information 28 million rubles. credit cards, as well as data from the Personnel Service about employees who have more than 200 thousand in the bank worldwide. This is reported by the BBC, reports UNN.


Santander Bank's systems were hacked by hackers in mid-May. On May 14, the bank confirmed the fact of "unauthorized access to the database" and apologized. Then the bank assured that the hacked databases did not contain data on transactions and such data that would allow unauthorized operations on customer accounts. At the moment, the bank has not yet received any comments about the announcement of the sale of data on the hacker forum.

A group of hackers ShinyHunters recently claimed responsibility for hacking the databases of the American ticket sales service Ticketmaster. According to hackers, they stole the data of 560 million people. customers of the service and demand a ransom of $500 thousand from the company in order to prevent the sale of this information to third parties.

The problems with Ticketmaster and Santander are the result of hacking the internal systems of a large cloud storage provider, Snowflake. Snowflake itself does not confirm the fact of hacking, but today the company warned its customers that it is "investigating increased activity with cyber threats against the accounts of a number of our customers.

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