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EU extends individual sanctions against Russia for another six months

The EU has extended individual sanctions against Russians responsible for undermining Ukraine's territorial integrity for another six months until September 15, 2024, while maintaining restrictions on more than 2,100 individuals and entities supporting Russia's military aggression in Ukraine.

War • March 12 2024, 04:28 PM  •  44322 views
EU extends individual sanctions against Russia for another six months

Intelligence: 47 more Ukrainians evacuated from Gaza, on their way to Odesa

On March 12, 2024, employees of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine and diplomats evacuated another 47 Ukrainian citizens from the Gaza Strip. The total number of evacuated Ukrainians from the Gaza Strip during the three stages of the mission amounted to 363 people.

Society • March 12 2024, 04:28 PM  •  42887 views
Intelligence: 47 more Ukrainians evacuated from Gaza, on their way to Odesa

Ukraine wins the Winter Deaflympics for the first time in history, winning a record 19 medals

At the 2023 Deaflympics in Erzurum (Turkey), the Ukrainian national team won 19 awards, including 10 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze medals, taking first place in the medal standings for the first time.

Sports • March 12 2024, 04:28 PM  •  40190 views
Ukraine wins the Winter Deaflympics for the first time in history, winning a record 19 medals

Shrovetide will be celebrated in the capital: the effigy of "Clumsy Grandpa" will be burned to the performances of folk groups

On March 16-17, the Pirogovo Open Air Museum will host the event Kolodii. Shrovetide" event dedicated to the ancient folk traditions of celebrating Shrovetide, with performances by folk groups, "Kolodko" rituals, tasting dumplings and burning the effigy of "Clumsy Grandpa".

Culture • March 12 2024, 04:23 PM  •  38009 views
Shrovetide will be celebrated in the capital: the effigy of "Clumsy Grandpa" will be burned to the performances of folk groups

European Commission recommends starting EU accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina

The European Commission has recommended starting EU accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina, citing the country's progress in reforms, improving the judiciary, fighting corruption, and alignment with the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Politics • March 12 2024, 04:11 PM  •  40195 views
European Commission recommends starting EU accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina

Romanian President to run for NATO Secretary General

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announces his candidacy for NATO Secretary General, citing Romania's commitment to NATO values and the need for strong leadership amid the Russian threat in Europe.

Politics • March 12 2024, 04:09 PM  •  38577 views
Romanian President to run for NATO Secretary General

The EU has prepared a negotiation framework for Ukraine's accession: what is it about and what's next

The European Commission has submitted to the EU Council proposals for a draft negotiation framework for the accession of Ukraine and Moldova to the EU, which sets out the guidelines and principles for accession negotiations with the two candidate countries.

Politics • March 12 2024, 04:04 PM  •  123636 views
The EU has prepared a negotiation framework for Ukraine's accession: what is it about and what's next

Government approves methodology for evaluating projects with significant investments

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the procedure and methodology for evaluating projects with significant investments, clarified the evaluation process, necessary documents and the procedure for negotiating special investment agreements to attract private investment for economic recovery.

Economy • March 12 2024, 04:01 PM  •  38263 views
Government approves methodology for evaluating projects with significant investments

The Government has approved the procedure for compensation to farmers for demining agricultural land

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a procedure for compensating farmers for 80% of the costs of humanitarian demining of their own or leased agricultural land, which aims to speed up the cleanup of contaminated areas and enable businesses to resume operations in the de-occupied territories.

War • March 12 2024, 03:59 PM  •  37008 views
The Government has approved the procedure for compensation to farmers for demining agricultural land

"Ukraine, wounded but not defeated, will never surrender": UGCC Head comments on Pope's statement on "white flag"

The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Sviatoslav, conveyed a message of resilience and determination of Ukraine to never give up or kneel, despite the wounds and exhaustion of Russian aggression, spreading hope for victory around the world from New York.

War • March 12 2024, 03:50 PM  •  30853 views
"Ukraine, wounded but not defeated, will never surrender": UGCC Head comments on Pope's statement on "white flag"