Constant abuse and inefficient management of Ukrainian land: why experts criticize the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences

Constant abuse and inefficient management of Ukrainian land: why experts criticize the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 9 2024, 06:54 AM • 160064 views

Experts criticize the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine for constant abuse, inefficient management of land resources inherited from the Soviet system, and lack of scientific activity.

In such structures as the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, which inherited significant assets from the Soviet system, there will always be people who will abuse their official position. This opinion was voiced by political observer Hennadiy Dubov in a commentary to UNN.


According to him, during the years of independence, the public sector of the economy has largely shown its inefficiency, including in land management.

We have these kinds of problems in the entire public sector to a greater or lesser extent, but the National Academy of Sciences is more prominent in this sense, because historically they have inherited a lot of different assets from the Soviet system,

- Dubov noted.

He added that this model needs to be changed, otherwise abuses such as those that occur at the NAAS will never stop.

Nothing else can be done but to switch from the format of managing state property to private property or management of non-state structures. Because there will always be people in large structures who will abuse them. Since the 90s, this problem has been a constant,

- the expert summarized.


According to political scientist Viktor Bobyrenko, there are serious doubts that the National Academy of Sciences conducts any scientific activity, so the land it uses should be put up for auction .

If you give it (the land - ed.) to another manager, then corruption will start there as well. You can leave something to science, although I'm not sure that there are any scientific developments there now and that this academy is developing any new varieties of anything. Academics there are not developing new varieties of wheat and sunflower, they are selling land. That's why it's easy to just give away these lands at auction,

- the expert said in a comment  to UNN.

The same opinion is shared by Ruslan Bortnik.

It seems to me that it is time for the state to withdraw the land that is not needed by the National Academy of Sciences, which it does not use for its research purposes but leases out, to withdraw it into state ownership and sell it at an open auction or transfer it to the same soldiers of the Armed Forces, divide it up, or use it for state-owned commercial production of crops needed by the state. Obviously, these assets under the leadership of the National Academy of Sciences are not used effectively and often corruptly, and they do not serve the interests of the Ukrainian people and the state,

- the political scientist believes.


In August 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine transferred 25 state-owned enterprises that were previously subordinated to the National Academy of Sciences to the State Property Fund. The main value of these enterprises is their land bank. The SPFU plans to put these lands up for public auctions on Prozzoro. Sale. The first auctions are to be held in 2024.