Chairman of the NATO Military Committee: Ukraine has shown the ability to achieve unprecedented success on the battlefield, allies should not hesitate to support

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee: Ukraine has shown the ability to achieve unprecedented success on the battlefield, allies should not hesitate to support

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 16 2024, 11:19 AM  •  18120 views

Ukraine has demonstrated the ability to achieve unprecedented success on the battlefield, and NATO allies should not hesitate to provide military support to help Ukraine.

Admiral Rob Bauer, Chairman of NATO's Military Committee, urged the allies not to delay their military support for Ukraine. He said this at a meeting of the Alliance's Military Committee on Thursday, noting that Ukraine has demonstrated to the world that it is capable of achieving unprecedented success on the battlefield, and repeating the words of the Secretary General that it is not too late for Ukraine to win, UNN reports.


"Today is the 813th (!) day of what Russia believed to be a 3-day war. Ukraine has demonstrated to the world that it is capable of achieving unprecedented success on the battlefield. There is nothing they can't do. All they need... is our help," Bauer said. - Fortunately, help is on the way. And it couldn't be more timely. Because time in Ukraine is not measured in days, weeks or months. It is measured in human lives.

"In the allied countries, a week is a week. In Ukraine, a week is a mother... a father... a child... a friend... a loved one... lost forever," Bauer emphasized.

He emphasized that "Ukraine will have our support every single day." "And as you, Mr. Secretary General, rightly stated: it is not too late for Ukraine to win. Ukraine's freedom cannot, must not and will not die. And Allies, if faced with a choice between achieving NATO's capability goals or standing by Ukraine... should stand by Ukraine. Stockpiles can and will be replenished. Lives lost are lost forever," Bauer summarized.

He also said that a new format of the NATO-Ukraine Council was scheduled to be held today with the Ukrainian military leadership via a secure line of communication, where the Allies will be briefed on the current situation in Ukraine. The parties will discuss "our continued support for Ukraine in this monumental struggle.