
We should not play with fire, we need to have a clear position on Ukraine - Albanian Prime Minister

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Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama emphasized the importance of maintaining a clear pro-Ukrainian position and continuing to provide weapons to Ukraine, noting that the loss of clarity threatens to enter a phase of darkness, and that stopping the supply of weapons would be cynical and absurd.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said that there is no need to play with fire, but to have a clear position on Ukraine, because if you lose clarity, then there is a risk of entering a phase of darkness. He said this during a joint press conference with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Albania, an UNN correspondent reports .


We don't need to play with fire, we need to have a clear position on Ukraine, because it's not just about Ukraine, it's about us. If we lose this clarity, then we risk entering a phase of darkness

- Rama said.

He also said that he was concerned that not everyone understands today that for Putin, an attack on Ukraine is not just about Ukraine

This is an attack on the democratic community and it is the most ruthless, open challenge to the very existence of the European Union

- Rama said.


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said that the statement of some people in Europe that stopping the supply of weapons to Ukraine will bring peace is not only cynical, but absurd.

A little  earlier, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that Western countries should stop arming Ukraine.


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