
Ukraine and the United States may sign a security agreement ahead of the Peace Summit - Financial Times

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Zelensky and Biden may sign a bilateral security agreement ahead of a peace summit in Switzerland, symbolizing Kiev's support amid tensions between the two countries.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and White House Leader Joe Biden may sign a bilateral security agreement ahead of the  peace summit, which will be held on June 15-16 in Switzerland. About it with reference to its own sources writes Financial Times, reports UNN.


The publication notes that the agreement was concluded in recent weeks, which were marked by increasing tension in relations between Kiev and Washington.

Just days before the peace summit, Zelensky and Biden are expected to sign a bilateral security agreement on the sidelines of the G7 meeting in Italy next month

- sources in the US government told FT. 

At the same time, the publication points to tensions between the United States and Ukraine, in particular, one of the interlocutors in Ukraine said: "We (Ukraine and the United States - ED.) are further apart than ever before since the beginning of the war. It's very, very stressful." 

Скоро наші лідери зможуть підписати угоду з США: Єрмак на брифінгу із Салліваном20.03.24, 21:51

The publication says that the agreement should become a symbol of support and should help reduce tension in relations between Kiev and Washington. 


In an interview with Brazilian journalists, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine is approaching signing an important security agreement with the United States.


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