
Truck driver tried to smuggle over 1000 packs of contraband cigarettes to Poland

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A Lviv resident tried to smuggle more than 1000 packs of cigarettes into Poland, hidden in the structural cavities of a semi-trailer, but was detained by Ukrainian customs officers at the Shehyni-Medica checkpoint.

A resident of Lviv tried to take to Poland more than a thousand packs of contraband cigarettes hidden in the structural cavities of a semi-trailer. This was reported by the State Customs Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


Today, on February 6, a violation of customs regulations was detected at the Shehyni-Medica checkpoint during customs control.

A 29-year-old driver from Lviv tried to smuggle out 1030 packs of Compliment and Lifa cigarettes hidden in the structural cavities of a semi-trailer.

Initially, the driver filed documents for the transportation of fuel pellets made of sunflower husks, with a total weight of 22 220 kg. However, during the inspection of the truck, customs officers found the illegal cargo.

The tobacco products were seized, and a report was drawn up for violation of customs regulations under Part 1 of Article 483 of the Customs Code of Ukraine.


The seized goods and the semi-trailer are temporarily under guard, and the case will be referred to the court for consideration

Контрабанда електронних цигарок: в.о. керівника Чернівецької митниці звільнено20.12.23, 13:50


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