
The White House comments on Zelenskaya and Navalnaya's refusal to participate in Biden's speech

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The White House respects the decision of Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska and Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, to refuse to participate in US President Joe Biden's State of the Union address.

John Kirby, a representative of the US National Security Council, said that the White House respects the decision of the first lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, and the widow of the deceased Russian opposition leader Yulia Navalnaya, to refuse to participate in the US president's speech.

Kirby said this in an interview with the Voice of America, UNN reports .

We certainly respect their decision not to participate. But Ukraine is an important key country today. Ukrainians have been fighting bravely for two years. For more than two years now. And certainly this would have been an opportunity to recognize America's commitment to Ukraine and the struggle, the courage and the resilience of the Ukrainian people

- Kirby said.

He also noted that everyone in the White House shares the grief over the death of Alexei Navalny.

We recognize his courage and continue our efforts to hold the Kremlin accountable for what happened. The President had the opportunity to meet with Navalny's wife and express both his personal condolences and the condolences of all Americans,

Kirby added.


Tonight, US President Joe Biden will deliver the State of the Union address. In particular, he plans to urge lawmakers to immediately pass a bill to help Ukraine.

The Washington Post reported that Zelenskaya refused to fly to the United States for Biden's speech because Navalny's widow was present. Olena Zelenska's team confirmed to Suspilne that the first lady had received an invitation to Biden's speech, but would not be able to attend the event due to "pre-planned events" in her schedule.

У Німеччині пропонують скоротити допомогу новим українським біженцям 07.03.24, 05:20


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