
The US imposes sanctions on a number of companies involved in the production of "shaheds"

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The US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Iranian and Hong Kong companies involved in the production of Iranian ballistic missiles and Shahed drones.

Washington has imposed sanctions against a key network of suppliers of materials and technologies for Iran's ballistic missile and drone programs, including the Shahed series. This was reported by UNN with reference to the US Treasury Department.


The sanctioned companies based in Iran and Hong Kong acted as covert procurement organizations.

Treasury Under Secretary for Counterterrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson said that Iran's continued proliferation of its advanced conventional weapons, including drones and missiles, remains a serious threat to the stability of the region.

We will not hesitate to use our full toolkit to disrupt the illicit procurement networks that supply components for these weapons systems, and to bring to justice those who attempt to export these weapons to terrorist proxies

- said Brian Nelson.

The Ministry of Finance clarified that the restrictions were imposed against:

  • FYIT is a Hong Kong-based company;
  • Duling Technology from Hong Kong;
  • Advantage Trading Company from Hong Kong;
  • NSMI companies from Iran;
  • COPC company from Hong Kong.


It is noted that Hong Kong-based FY International Trading fulfilled an order for the supply of engines for drones and Western-made carburetors.

In return, Duling Technology also facilitated the purchase of matrix switches and turbine engines for UAVs

У НАТО не виключають, що рф отримає ракети від Ірану18.01.24, 20:35

The Ministry of Finance also points out that the Hong Kong-based firm China Oil and Petroleum Company sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Iranian goods in the interests of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, in particular to China.


Russian and Iranian Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov and Hossein Amir-Abdollahian discussed the preparation of a new bilateral agreement. They also condemned the US and UK strikes against the Houthis in Yemen.

До росії з Ірану прибув черговий борт: це може свідчити про продовження поставок "шахедів" та запчастин до них11.01.24, 10:15


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