
The Administrator of the Urban Planning Cadastre has started working in Ukraine

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Since October 1, 2024, the Administrator of the Urban Planning Cadastre has been working at the state level in Ukraine. This was reported by the Ministry of Reconstruction of Ukraine, UNN reports.

Digitalization of the urban planning sector: the Administrator of the Urban Planning Cadastre at the state level has been launched. This is an important step towards digitalizing the country and creating a modern system for managing processes in the field of urban development

- the ministry noted.

The State Enterprise "Administrator of the Urban Planning Cadastre at the State Level" has been appointed as the administrator of the Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction (USESC) and the Unified State Register of Addresses (USRA). Its task as administrator is to ensure transparency, accessibility and effective management of the Urban Planning Cadastre at the state level. This will be made possible through the introduction of modern digital technologies that will facilitate the design, development and management of real estate throughout the country.

The work of the urban planning cadastre at the state level is expected to increase transparency in urban planning, develop the digital economy, and improve conditions for investors.


Earlier, the Ministry of Digital Transformation pointed outthat previously cadastres existed only in some local governments. In addition, most urban planning documentation was in paper form. Because of this, documents were lost, forged, or delayed for the sake of bribes. However, now all interaction with urban planning documents will take place through the unified electronic system of the Urban Planning Cadastre.

Шмигаль про інвентаризацію сільськогосподарських угідь: 23% земель досі не внесені до кадастру20.08.24, 19:28

Anastasia Ryabokon



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