
Russian army shells 9 settlements in Sumy region

 • 67137 переглядiв

The Russian army fired mortars, artillery, and drones at 9 settlements in Sumy region of Ukraine, including Khotyn, Yunakiv, Bilopil, Vorozhbiansk, Miropil, Krasnopil, Velykopysarivka, Shalyhyno, and Seredina-Budska, on July 1.

On July 1, the Khotyn, Yunakiv, Bilopil, Vorozhbiansk, Miropil, Krasnopil, Velykopysariv, Shalyhyn, Seredina-Buda communities of Sumy region were subjected to Russian shelling. This was reported by the press service of the Sumy RMA, according to UNN.


In total, during the day, Russians fired 31 times at Sumy region, causing 92 explosions.

  • Shalyhyne community: the enemy fired from cannon artillery (6 explosions).
  • Krasnopilska community: mortar shelling (9 explosions), a Lancet UAV strike (1 explosion), and shelling with heavy artillery (8 explosions).
  • Yunukivska community: an FPV drone strike (1 explosion), shelling with stacked artillery (21 explosions), and the dropping of explosive devices of the VOG type from a UAV (9 explosions) were recorded.
  • Myropilska community: Russians fired from cannon artillery (16 explosions).
  • Khotyn community: The enemy dropped 8 mines on the territory of the community.
  • Bilopilska community: FPV drone strikes (5 explosions), shelling with cannon artillery (1 explosion) and mortars (2 explosions).
  • Velykopysarivska community: Russians fired mortars (3 explosions).
  • Vorozhbianka community: there was an FPV drone strike (1 explosion).
  • Seredyna Budska community: an FPV drone strike was recorded (1 explosion).

Пожежу в домогосподарстві на Сумщині гасили 20 тоннами води30.06.24, 05:43


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