
In the Poltava region, three fishermen fell under the ice, one of them died

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A 46-year-old fisherman from the Dnipropetrovsk region died after falling under the ice while fishing with friends in the Poltava region. The rescuers raised the body of the deceased ashore.

A 46-year-old resident of the Dnipro region died while fishing in Poltava region. Police are investigating the circumstances of the incident. This was reported by the Main Directorate of the National Police in Poltava region, UNN reports.


According to police, on Thursday, a 46-year-old fisherman from Dnipropetrovs'k region fell through the ice on the central beach of Orlyk village in Kobelyatska community.

The man went fishing with a group of friends. During the incident, two of his friends (aged 41 and 40) also found themselves in the water, but managed to get out on their own. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save the 46-year-old resident of Dnipropetrovs'k region.

The body of the deceased was brought to the shore by rescuers after an hour of searching.


The police launched a pre-trial investigation under Part 1 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to establish the circumstances of the tragedy.

Дістали тіла двох потопельників та врятували "фігуриста"-екстремала: рятувальники про ситуацію на водоймах на Київщині та Дніпропетровщині30.01.24, 18:27


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