
Minister: Ministry of Education website temporarily down due to enemy cyberattack

 • 31334 переглядiв

The website of the Ministry of Education and Science was temporarily disabled due to a hostile cyberattack.

The website of the Ministry of Education and Science is temporarily down due to an enemy cyberattack, Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovyi said, UNN reports.

Dear friends, in case you were wondering, the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is temporarily down due to a Russian attack. But our specialists are already working to restore it

- wrote Lisovyi in X.

Держспецзв'язку вивчає залежність об'єктів критичної інфраструктури, щоб запобігти "ефекту доміно" під час кібератак01.02.24, 16:26


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