
Irina "Cheka" Tsybukh, a paramedic of the Hospitallers battalion, was killed

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Iryna " Cheka "Tsybukh, a paramedic of the Hospitallers Battalion and a former journalist, died on May 29 while rotating in the Kharkiv direction.

On May 29, Iryna Tsybukh, a paramedic and former journalist, was killed during a rotation in the Kharkiv direction. This was reported by the Hospitallers ' medical volunteer battalion, writes UNN.

Yesterday, during the rotation in the Kharkiv direction, our check - Hospitaller Irina Tsybukh died. A few days before your birthday. This is an indescribable pain and an incredible loss not only for the battalion, but for the whole of Ukraine

- reported on the battalion's page.

The farewell to the "check" will be announced later.


Irina Tsybukh is a former journalist of Suspilny. From the beginning of the full-scale invasion, she joined the Hospitallers volunteer battalion and took the position of senior crew.

On November 16, 2023, she received the order of Merit, which was presented to her by President Vladimir Zelensky. Last year Irina Tsybukh became the winner of the UP 100 award. The power of women.

На Донеччині загинув активіст та військовий Павло Петриченко15.04.24, 22:41


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