
General Staff: 21 combat engagements so far, one continues near Vovchansk, situation is tense in the Kupyansk sector

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Twenty-one combat engagements took place in the frontline today, with another combat engagement in the Kharkiv sector near Vovchansk and another in the Kupyansk sector. In the Siversky sector, Ukrainian troops succeeded in some areas.

As of today, 21 combat engagements have taken place on the frontline, with another combat engagement in the Kharkiv sector in the vicinity of Vovchansk and another in the Kupyansk sector. In the Siverskyi sector, Ukrainian troops were successful in some areas. This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a summary as of 10 a.m. on May 25, UNN reports.


"There have been 21 combat engagements since the beginning of the day. The enemy launched one missile attack using four missiles and four air strikes using four UAVs. The defense forces continue the defense operation, focusing their main efforts on repelling the enemy's attack and restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine," the General Staff said.

Since the beginning of the day, as indicated, the Russian occupiers have fired 479 times at the positions of our troops, seven of them using multiple launch rocket systems. The occupiers also used 25 kamikaze attack drones.

На фронті за добу 103 боєзіткнення, по ворогу та його інфраструктурі завдали 19 ударів - Генштаб25.05.24, 11:27

According to the General Staff, the situation in the areas is as follows:

In the Kharkiv sector, the enemy attacked Ukrainian units three times since the beginning of the day. Two assaults were repelled in the vicinity of Lypky without success for the enemy. Another combat engagement is taking place in the area of Vovchansk. Defense forces continue to reinforce their positions.

According to updated figures, the enemy lost 148 occupants in the Kharkiv sector yesterday, including 35 killed and 113 wounded. Ukrainian troops also destroyed five enemy artillery systems, eight UAVs, five vehicles and one unit of special equipment. In addition, one armored vehicle, five artillery systems, one air defense system, three vehicles and two units of special equipment were damaged. Twenty-four enemy dugouts were destroyed.

In the Kupyansk sector, Ukrainian troops have already repelled two enemy attacks in the area of Petropavlivka and Nevske. Another combat engagement is ongoing. The situation is tense. Our defenders are taking measures to strengthen the positions of the front line defense. Measures are being taken to stabilize the situation.

According to updated data, enemy losses in the Kupyansk sector amounted to 123 people over the past day. Three vehicles were also destroyed, a tank, an artillery system and an armored combat vehicle were damaged.

On the Liman direction, an enemy attack was repelled near Torske.

Two combat engagements have taken place in the Siverskiy sector since the beginning of the day, one of them is still ongoing near Vyymka. "It is worth noting that Ukrainian troops succeeded in certain areas," the General Staff reported.

In the Kramatorsk sector, the occupants have already attacked twice in the vicinity of Klishchiyivka. One attempted assault was repelled, another one is ongoing. The situation is under control.

In the Pokrovske sector, the enemy attacked our troops' positions four times since the beginning of the day. Ukrainian defense forces repelled one attack near Nevelske. Fighting continues in the areas of Sokol and Yasnobrodivka.

According to updated figures, enemy losses in the Pokrovsk sector over the last day amounted to: 286 invaders killed and wounded. Our troops destroyed three tanks, four vehicles and an ammunition depot. In addition, two enemy tanks, an armored personnel carrier and two enemy vehicles were damaged.

In the Kurakhove sector, Ukrainian troops repelled two enemy attempts to advance in the areas of Krasnohorivka and Kostiantynivka.

On the Vremivske direction, the enemy tried to push out the units of the Defense Forces in the area of Staromayorsk, Donetsk region. He failed and retreated.

In the Orikhiv sector, an attack by the occupiers near Robotyn was repelled. A battle is currently underway near Novoandriivka. The situation is under control.

In the Prydniprovskyi sector, the Ukrainian Defense Forces repelled one enemy attack in the direction of Krynky. In the course of the fighting, the enemy did not succeed, and no positions were lost.

Ситуація на півдні залишається стабільною, морські піхотинці мають успіх на Придніпровському напрямку - Плетенчук 25.05.24, 11:18


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