The UN is equalizing the scale of violations, which is unacceptable. In addition, it turns out that Ukraine provides access to international organizations, while Russia simply does not allow it.
Writes UNN with reference to TG channel of the Ombudsman of Ukraine.
Dmytro Lubinets noted the following:
The report did not take into account the comments of the Department for the Implementation of the National Preventive Mechanism. Staff of the Ombudsperson's Office, together with representatives of civil society organizations, regularly visit prisoner-of-war camps and special detention centers. Ukraine adheres to the conditions and rules for the treatment of Russian prisoners of war in accordance with the Geneva Convention.
In addition, reports of torture and ill-treatment of Russian prisoners of war committed in transit after their evacuation from the battlefield require additional verification through authorized state bodies of Ukraine. The UN actually equates violations by Ukraine and Russia.
Lubinets emphasized that Ukrainian prisoners of war return from Russian captivity with severe physical and psychological injuries, sometimes incompatible with life, while Russia does not allow international observers to visit their places of detention.e
We have repeatedly noted that the coverage of the issue of “ill-treatment” should reflect the extent of IHL violations by the Russian side, even in the absence of full access to places of detention in Russia. After all, it turns out that Ukraine provides access to international organizations that can cover everything in their reports, while Russia simply does not allow it. These are not identical things!
“I am outraged that in the current context, the final recommendations to Russia and Ukraine are 'to comply with IHL'. That is, the UN is equalizing the scale of violations, which is unacceptable.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine denies the UN's accusations of restricting religious freedoms in the country. The Ministry emphasizes that the law only prohibits the subordination of religious organizations to the governing centers of the aggressor country.