
Driver tried to import branded clothes worth UAH 20 million from Poland under the guise of second-hand clothes

 • 25244 переглядiв

Customs officers in Ukraine found 15 tons of new clothes worth UAH 20 million hidden among used clothes in a truck on the Krakovets-Korchova border with Poland.

On the Ukrainian-Polish border, customs officers found 15 tons of new clothes worth 20 million hryvnias in a truck with second-hand clothes. This was reported by the State Customs Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


A truck with contraband was detected at the Krakovets-Korchova checkpoint on the border with Poland. The driver, a citizen of Ukraine, declared 16.6 tons of second-hand clothing. However, during the inspection of the truck, customs officers found that 15 tons of brand-new clothes of well-known brands were hidden among the second-hand clothes.

The total value of this cargo is estimated at UAH 20 million.


The customs drew up a protocol on violation of customs rules in connection with the movement of goods across the border concealed from customs control.

Контрабанда електронних цигарок: в.о. керівника Чернівецької митниці звільнено20.12.23, 13:50


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