
China supports Russia economically and increases trade with it - US intelligence agencies

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China is providing economic and security assistance to Russia amid its war in Ukraine, supporting the aggressor country's industrial base, and threatening to influence the 2024 US elections. There are also expectations of potential aggression against Taiwan by China.

The US intelligence services have stated that the country is facing an "increasingly fragile world order" that is tense due to competition between great powers and transnational challenges. National intelligence experts have identified new signs of threats from China and Russia.

This was reported by UNN with reference to Reuters.


A report released by the US intelligence services says that China is providing economic and security assistance to Russia as it wages war in Ukraine, supporting the aggressor country's industrial base. Intelligence officials also warn that China may use technology to try to influence this year's US elections.

The US intelligence community has identified a number of threats and noted in a report that the US is facing an "increasingly fragile world order.

An ambitious but restless China, a confrontational Russia, regional powers such as Iran, and more capable non-state actors are challenging the rules of the international order that have long been

- the US intelligence agency said in a report.

(China) may try to influence the 2024 U.S. elections at some level through its desire to sideline China's critics and increase divisions in American society

- the report says.

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haynes, in her speech to the Senate Intelligence Committee, urged lawmakers to approve an increase in military aid to Ukraine.

According to Haynes, it is "hard to imagine how Ukraine" will be able to hold the territories it has won from Russia without additional assistance from Washington.

аль-Каїда заявила про смерть свого лідера10.03.24, 21:18

Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Burns has drawn attention to the threat of Chinese aggression in Taiwan or the South China Sea. According to Reuters, "continuing to support Ukraine," according to Burns, "would signal to China that it would aggress against Taiwan or in the South China Sea.

We estimate that (Chinese leader) Xi Jinping was sobered, you know, by what happened... He did not expect that Ukraine would resist with the courage and perseverance that the Ukrainians have demonstrated

- said Burns.

Haynes also expressed concern that the conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas could spread global insecurity.

The crisis in Gaza is a vivid example of how regional events have the potential for wider and even global consequences

- said Haynes.


Yermak discussed Ukraine's urgent military needs with Sullivan, emphasized the importance of the House of Representatives' approval of the aid package , and thanked Biden for his strong support of Ukraine in his annual address to Congress.

[On the night of March 12 and this morning, the Russian military fired 9 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 96 explosions were recorded.

Сі Цзіньпін отримав майже одностайну підтримку на з'їзді національних представників Комуністичної партії Китаю11.03.24, 14:06


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