
Bukovyna exposes law enforcement officer who helped fugitives go abroad

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In Bukovyna, a law enforcement officer was detained who, using  his official position, helped men with military service to illegally leave Ukraine. This was reported by UNN with reference to a statement by the State Bureau of Investigation.


The man was detained on May 12, 2024, "red-handed" after receiving money from another person wishing to illegally leave the country.

The defendant is suspected of organizing illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine, directing such actions and facilitating their commission by giving advice and instructions, committed by an official using his official position for mercenary motives (Part 3 Art. 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The issue of choosing a measure of restraint and removing him from office is being decided

- the SBI summarized.

The law enforcement officer faces imprisonment for a term of 7 to 9 years with confiscation of property.

На Київщині викрили адмінів інтернет-спільнот, де повідомляли про місця видачі повісток: їм загрожує до 8 років тюрми08.05.24, 18:45


As explained by the SBI, the offender offered to transport those wishing to leave Ukraine past checkpoints to the border in his own car. This "service" cost USD 6.5 thousand per client.

Later, having information about the duties and routes of border patrols, he explained to the men the route for crossing the border with Romania on foot.


The Security Service has blocked new schemes to evade mobilization and illegally travel abroad by men of military age. Among the defendants are three officials of medical institutions and a lawyer.


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