Two contractors did not complete repair work in a residential building and kindergarten in the Kiev region: ARMA appealed to the court and law enforcement agencies

Two contractors did not complete repair work in a residential building and kindergarten in the Kiev region: ARMA appealed to the court and law enforcement agencies

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 24 2024, 10:02 AM  •  13761 views

Two contractors failed to complete repairs to a residential building in Gostomel and a kindergarten in Byshev after receiving advance payments, prompting KRMA to ask law enforcement agencies and the court to investigate the case and recover funds.

In the Kiev region, contractors did not complete the repair work and stopped restoring a residential building in Gostomel and a kindergarten in Byshev after receiving advance payments. The head of the KRMA Ruslan Kravchenko appealed to law enforcement agencies  with a request to investigate the case.  the CRMA will also request through the court that the advance funds be returned. This was announced by the head of the Kiev regional military administration Ruslan Kravchenko on Facebook, reports UNN

Contractors who violate the terms of the contract for the restoration of facilities should be held properly liable. Regarding two such contractors who rebuilt a house in Gostomel and a kindergarten in Byshev, at a meeting of the Working Group "transparency and accountability", he appealed to the law enforcement agencies that are part of this group with a request to start criminal proceedings under Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "misappropriation, embezzlement of property or taking it by abuse of official position"

- written by Kravchenko.

He also said that  IRMA applies to the court to return advance funds, the use of which is not confirmed by the acts of work performed. 

According to Kravchenko, contracts with these contractors will be terminated. Repeated tenders for the restoration of facilities will be announced.

As the head of RMA noted, both contractors, having received an advance payment, did not fulfill the entire scope of work stipulated in the contract and today have stopped restoring facilities altogether. 

What is known 

The first object is a major renovation of a residential building at 73rd Svyato-Pokrovskaya Street in Gostomel. The head of RMA said that the KRSA Regional Development Department signed a contract with the contractor, who received an advance of more than UAH 6 million, but did not return it on time. According to technical supervision, the contractor completed the work for approximately UAH 2.9 million, but there are no supporting documents on his part. Work on the site has been stopped. Now there is a risk that the contractor will not resume the restoration, given that its accounts were seized as part of criminal proceedings.

The KRSA Department has already appealed to the Buchan District Prosecutor's office about the need to protect the interests of the state in court, by suing the contractor.

The situation is similar at another facility – the new construction of a nursery-garden "Kashtan" in the village of Byshev, Fastovsky district. The contractor received an advance of UAH 19 million from the DRR. an advance in the amount of UAH 10.8 million is not closed – the certificates of work performed were not provided, the funds were also not returned on time, and 3 months of work on the facility is not being carried out. According to Kravchenko, the department has already applied to the Kiev regional prosecutor's office for this case regarding the need for a lawsuit against the contractor in order to protect the interests of the state.

"All funds that are allocated should go exclusively for their intended purpose, and the work should be performed efficiently and on time. There will be no more indulgences, everyone will be held accountable according to the law!",- said Kravchenko.

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