Tried to bribe a panel of judges to get out of custody: Deputy Head of the FPU was served with a notice of suspicion

Tried to bribe a panel of judges to get out of custody: Deputy Head of the FPU was served with a notice of suspicion

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 5 2024, 01:36 PM  •  24288 views

Deputy Head of the FPU Sayenko tried to bribe judges for $150 thousand to change the conditions of detention. He is accused of preparing to transfer an unlawful benefit.

The deputy head of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine, Volodymyr Sayenko, and his accomplice were served with a notice of suspicion. They tried to bribe a panel of judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal in the amount of $150,000 for changing the measure of restraint for Sayenko. UNN reports this with reference to the State Bureau of Investigation. 

As UNN has learned from its own sources, this is Volodymyr Sayenko. 

SBI officers exposed and served a notice of suspicion to the deputy head of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine and his accomplice, who tried to bribe a panel of judges in the amount of USD 150 thousand for changing the preventive measure 

- the message says. 

It is reported that the official, who is a suspect in another criminal proceeding, is currently being held in custody on the basis of a court order in a pre-trial detention center. 

"He decided to transfer USD 150 thousand through an accomplice to the panel of judges of the Kyiv Court of Appeal for canceling the decision of the investigating judge of the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv to extend the term of detention and change the measure of restraint to night house arrest with the wearing of an electronic device," the SBI informs. 

It is noted that the defendant instructed his acquaintance to transfer this amount to the judges through the bailiff. SBI officers stopped the accomplice's car, which was transporting the money. During a search of the car, law enforcement officers found and seized the entire amount of the bribe - $150 thousand. 

A cell phone was also seized, which contained correspondence in a messenger discussing the details of the money transfer.

"The deputy head of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine and his accomplice were served a notice of suspicion of preparing to provide an unlawful benefit to an official holding a responsible position (Part 2 of Article 15, Part 5 of Article 27, Part 2 of Article 28, Part 3 of Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The issue of choosing a measure of restraint against the accomplice is being decided," the statement said. 

Based on the SBI materials, in November 2022, an indictment was sent to the court against the deputy head of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine. 

"According to the investigation, he was directly involved in the illegal alienation of property worth more than UAH 138 million. It was established that in 2019, the deputy head of the FPU, together with other officials, made a decision on the illegal alienation of a state resort balneological hospital in Kyiv in favor of a private enterprise. According to the conclusion of the forensic examination, the total cost of the premises was more than UAH 138.3 million," the SBI informs.