The US State Department announced the first sanctions against representatives of the Georgian authorities

The US State Department announced the first sanctions against representatives of the Georgian authorities

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 6 2024, 06:35 PM  •  29285 views

Miller said at a briefing that visa sanctions will affect members of the Georgian Dream and their families, members of Parliament, and law enforcement officers. It is known that at the moment up to 36 names are included in the list for visa sanctions, but so far it has not been announced.

The US State Department has announced the first package of sanctions against Georgian authorities for supporting the Russian law on foreign agents. This was stated today at a briefing in the state Department by Press Secretary Matthew Miller, reports UNN with reference to Georgia News.


Miller said at a briefing that visa sanctions will affect members of the Georgian Dream and their families, members of Parliament, and law enforcement officers.

It is known that at the moment up to 36 names are included in the list for visa sanctions, but so far it has not been announced.

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"The United States of America is deeply concerned about the anti-democratic actions of the Georgian Dream in Georgia, as well as its recent statements and rhetoric. These actions are harmful to Georgia's European future, contrary to the Constitution of Georgia and the will of the people.

We are taking steps to introduce a visa ban for dozens of Georgian citizens. This includes individuals (as well as their next of kin) who are responsible for or involved in undermining democracy in Georgia through actions such as undermining the right to peaceful assembly and expression, attacking peaceful demonstrators, intimidating civil society representatives, and deliberately spreading disinformation on behalf of the Georgian government," Miller said.

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