The permit for air pollutant emissions of ADM LLC will be suspended: KCSA explained why it was not done earlier

The permit for air pollutant emissions of ADM LLC will be suspended: KCSA explained why it was not done earlier

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 7 2024, 08:35 AM  •  6525 views

ADM LLC's pollutant emission permit will be suspended following the environmental inspection's order. KCSA explained why it could not act earlier, despite numerous complaints from residents about the stench.

ADM LLC's air pollutant emission permit will be suspended.

This was announced by the Director of the Department of Environmental Protection and Climate Change Adaptation of KCSA Oleksandr Voznyi on the air of one of the Ukrainian TV channels, reports UNN

ADM LLC's emission permit will be suspended. That is, on October 4, it was published on the website of the Kyiv City State Administration. Within 10 days, the company is required to stop

- Wozny said. 

He also explained why this was not done earlier. 

Unfortunately, the Department of Environmental Protection does not have the authority to inspect companies. Yes, we have received hundreds of complaints, but in fact, the only body that inspects entities for compliance with environmental legislation is the State Environmental Inspectorate. Only after their inspection, when violations have been identified... As soon as we receive an order to suspend the permit, this permit will be suspended. We have received such an order and we will promptly ensure the preparation of the relevant order and on Friday it was published

- Voznyi said.


 On October 4, Oleksandr Voznyi reported that for a long time the Department  had been receiving numerous complaints from Kyiv residents about the activities of ADM LLC located at 33 Syretska Street. The community complains about the stench at night and the inability to sleep with the windows open because of the bad air and odor. 

KCSA reported that in  Kyiv, as of the morning of October 7, the level of air pollution was very low.