Russia once again attacks Kyiv region with drones: no casualties and no hits, some damage

Russia once again attacks Kyiv region with drones: no casualties and no hits, some damage

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 10 2024, 06:07 AM  •  17640 views

At night, Russian troops attacked Kyiv region with UAVs. The air defense forces shot down the targets, there were no casualties, but a forest floor fire broke out and an outbuilding was damaged.

On the night of September 10, Russian troops once again attacked Kyiv region using UAVs, and air defense forces were engaged. There were no casualties or hits.  As a result of the falling debris, a forest floor fire broke out in one of the districts. In addition, an outbuilding was damaged in one of the settlements. This was reported by the head of the Kyiv RMA Ruslan Kravchenko on Facebook, UNN reports

At night, the enemy once again attacked our area with attack drones. Air defense forces were working in the region. There are targets downed. There are no casualties. There were no hits to critical and residential infrastructure

- wrote Kravchenko.

According to him, a forest floor fire broke out in one of the districts of the region as a result of the fall of the wreckage of the downed targets.

In addition, an outbuilding was damaged in one of the settlements.

Operational groups continue to work on fixing the consequences of the night attack.

“We appeal to every resident of the region! Do not neglect the air raid alert. In times of danger, stay in shelters until the threat passes,” Kravchenko urged.

Над Україною вночі збили 38 "шахедів", ворог атакував "Іскандером" та Х-31ПSeptember 10 2024, 05:40 AM • 26399 views