Restoration of museums and support of defenders within the framework of the MHP Near program. What initiatives won the charity Ukraine 2023 contest

Restoration of museums and support of defenders within the framework of the MHP Near program. What initiatives won the charity Ukraine 2023 contest

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 26 2024, 09:48 AM  •  121858 views

What initiatives won the charity Ukraine 2023 contest

Projects of the Charity Foundation "MHP-Hromada" and the international company MHP won the national competition "charitable Ukraine-2023".

In total, more than 1,600 applications from all over Ukraine were submitted for the competition. In total, there were 26 nominations. two of them were won by the project for the restoration of 5 museums, which last year was implemented by the charity Foundation "MHP-Hromada" (nomination "charity in culture and art"), and the program of support for military and veterans "MHP near" (nomination "charity of big business").

The organizers noted the comprehensive and systematic approach of the international company MHP in the issue of Veterans ' reintegration. Within the framework of the program, the company has been operating a center for interaction with military personnel and veterans for more than a year, whose coordinators provide individual support and comprehensive support for military personnel, veterans and their families. Also, for Round-the-clock support of veterans, a telegram channel and a hotline have been created, where employees and residents of communities where MHP enterprises are present apply. The program also focuses on promoting the development of Veterans 'spaces and communities, supporting entrepreneurship in communities, and veterans' events that help reintegrate veterans.

"Within the framework of MHP near, we support the military, veterans, and residents of communities where the company's enterprises are present. And it is already becoming obvious how much the development of adaptive sports in communities, the development of Veterans ' spaces, the support of entrepreneurship among veterans and their families - all this makes sense, because it contributes to the reintegration and readaptation of our defenders,"  Says Pavel Moroz, director of the Corporate Social Responsibility Department of MHP. 

The winning project of the Foundation - "Preservation of cultural heritage", won in the category "charity in culture and art". The goal of the initiative is to support Ukrainian museums during the war.

Thanks to this project, five local museums - Trypillian culture, prominent Ukrainians Vasyl STUs, Vasyl Simonenko, Mykola Leontovich and Vyacheslav Chornovil - updated the entrance groups, exhibits and purchased the necessary equipment to attract tourists.

"The foundation supports Ukrainian local museums, as they play a key role in recording history, defining figures, valuable artifacts and works of art. Today, during a full – scale war, when the enemy is trying to break us, we must preserve this cultural foundation, which is the basis of our national identity," adds Alexander Pakholyuk, director of the MHP-Hromada Charitable Foundation.

In general, according to the organizers of the competition, almost all projects that were submitted for the competition this year are related to caring for those who protect and those who are protected.

"We saw not only important work, but also the big hearts of the winners on these projects. Thank you, benefactors, for your work, position, invincibility, that you are doing the impossible in the terrible conditions of modern war," the organizing committee of the contest notes.

A list of all the winners of the National Competition "charity Ukraine-2023" UT, as well as see video recording of the ceremony.