Record bribe to SFS Head Nasirov: investigation into legalization of over EUR 21 million completed

Record bribe to SFS Head Nasirov: investigation into legalization of over EUR 21 million completed

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 10 2024, 01:15 PM  •  4220 views

The investigation into the legalization of a €13 million bribe received by former SFS head Nasirov has been completed. The funds were laundered through offshore companies and invested in real estate in Kyiv.

Law enforcement officers have completed an investigation into the legalization of part of the illegal benefit received by Roman Nasirov, head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, and persons close to him for VAT refunds to agricultural holding companies, UNN reports citing NABU.

According to the investigation, a close associate of the head of the SFS assisted the latter in receiving part of the illegal benefit in the amount of more than EUR 13 million to the accounts of a non-resident company (British Virgin Islands).

Subsequently, the said person, who is the owner of a group of construction companies, legalized the entire amount of the bribe and spent it on the purchase of an unfinished residential and office complex with a parking lot in the center of Kyiv. The complex continued to be built and received additional income, in particular in 2022-2023.

At the end of 2023, the NABU and the SAPO managed to seize 81 properties and more than UAH 30 million, which the owner of a group of construction companies acquired with legalized funds.

The other part of the illegal benefit in the amount of EUR 7.9 million, which was kept on the accounts of another non-resident company controlled by the top official (British Virgin Islands), was legalized by an adviser to the top official. He laundered USD 5.5 million by concluding an agency agreement in January 2017. And in April-August 2018, he laundered another 2.8 million euros as payment under sales contracts.

Measures are being taken to establish the circumstances of legalization of the last part of the illegal benefit in the amount of USD 5.5 million. The SBU is taking measures to establish the circumstances of legalization of the last part of the unlawful benefit in the amount of USD 5.5 million and the persons involved.


On October 17, 2022, law enforcement officers exposed former SFS head Roman Nasirov for receiving a record bribe of $5.5 million  and more than €21 million from the owner of an agricultural holding.

On February 2, 2023, the investigation against the former head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and his advisor was completed, and on May 24, the case was sent to court.

The investigation into the suspicion of the owner of the agricultural holding was completed in April 2023. In February 2024, the indictment against him was sent to court.