Putin reiterates Russia's readiness for negotiations and names possible mediators

Putin reiterates Russia's readiness for negotiations and names possible mediators

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 5 2024, 11:04 AM  •  19241 views

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced his readiness to hold talks with Ukraine on the basis of the “Istanbul agreements.” He named China, Brazil and India as potential mediators in this process.

Moscow has reiterated that Russia has never abandoned negotiations with Ukraine, but they are possible only on the basis of the Istanbul agreements of March 2022. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Eastern Economic Forum, UNN reports .


According to him, Russia has never refused peace talks, “but not on the basis of some ephemeral demands, but on the basis of the documents that were agreed and actually initialed in Istanbul.

In addition, he said that Moscow is ready to recognize a mediator in these negotiations and pointed to some countries that maintain relations with Russia.

We respect our friends and partners, who, in my opinion, are sincerely interested in resolving all issues related to this conflict. These are, first of all, the People's Republic of China, Brazil, and India. I am constantly in contact with our colleagues on this issue

- Putin said. 

The Russian president is confident that it is the leaders of these countries who “sincerely strive to understand all the details of this complex process.

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Putin also said that sometimes it seems that “those who run Ukraine are either aliens or foreigners,” and that the authorities in Kyiv, according to him, do not think about their people when making decisions.   

Sometimes I get the impression that those who run Ukraine seem to be aliens or foreigners. Well, actually, they don't think at all, I'm serious

- said the Russian president.


US Vice President Harris said that Putin's proposal for “peace talks” is a demand for surrender, not negotiations.

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