Kyiv • UNN
Power outages are unavoidable in winter, so residents of apartment buildings are advised to invest in energy autonomy. The expert calls for more active involvement in partial compensation programs for the purchase of generators.
Even with the most optimistic forecasts, localized power outages are inevitable in winter. Therefore, residents of apartment buildings should invest in their energy autonomy and join programs of partial compensation for the purchase of electric generators and other alternative energy sources. This opinion was voiced by energy expert, President of the Center for Global Studies "Strategy XXI" Mykhailo Gonchar in a commentary to UNN.
According to the expert, there will still be a certain deficit in the Ukrainian energy system in winter.
Given the tests that our power system has already passed in 2022-23, and now in the spring and early summer of 2024, and given the fact that our partners have added air defense equipment, albeit very slowly, we have a cautiously optimistic forecast for the winter period. However, there will be blackouts without a doubt. If we compare consumption peaks, the winter one is always higher. That is why the power system will be in a deficit state, and there will be blackouts
To be as independent as possible from such outages, the expert advises residents of apartment buildings to become more actively involved in programs to partially compensate for the purchase of alternative energy sources, which are in place in many Ukrainian cities.
As for the effectiveness of such programs, of course, they are needed and this is a positive thing. As for the incentives to participate in them, I think it depends on the HOA itself. There are more active HOAs, there are less active ones, there are HOAs that are created on the basis of some housing office and they are not HOAs in the full sense of the word, compared to those that were created by residents who are ready to invest in order to improve the energy situation in the building. So here I think that in the end, one way or another, everything depends on the initiative on the ground
UNN has already written about the advantages and disadvantages of various different autonomous energy supply systems, their cost and the amount of compensation from city budgets for their purchase under the relevant programs that successfully operate not only in regional centers but also in small towns.
In particular, in Brovary, almost two million hryvnias have been allocated for the purpose since the end of 2022.
"The relevant program has been operating in our city since the end of 2022, and about thirty Brovary condominiums and housing cooperatives have already joined it, some of them repeatedly. The city has allocated almost two million hryvnias for compensation. In order to receive compensation for the installed generator, the management of a condominium or housing cooperative must apply to the city's Department of Housing, Infrastructure and Transport. The application is reviewed by a commission, which determines the amount of compensation and makes a decision at a meeting of the executive committee," Brovary Mayor Ihor Sapozhko told .