“Nothing has been found": Poland continues search for suspected Russian drone

“Nothing has been found": Poland continues search for suspected Russian drone

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 3 2024, 10:38 AM  •  13881 views

Poland continues to search for an unidentified aircraft that disappeared from radar during the Russian attack on Ukraine. The search will continue on Tuesday.

Eight days of searching for an unknown aircraft that flew to Poland during Russia's attack on Ukraine and disappeared from radar in the Tyszówki commune in Poland's Lublin Voivodeship have passed, and the search was decided to continue on Tuesday, UNN reports, citing RMF24.


Major Eva Zlotnicka, deputy spokesperson for the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces (DORSZ), said that on Monday, about 150 soldiers of the country's territorial defense forces were searching for an unknown aerial object. The search was conducted in an area east of the town of Komarów Osada in the Zamość district.

"The eighth day of the search ended with a negative result. Nothing was found. The operational commander of the Polish Armed Forces decided on Tuesday to continue the ground search," said Major Zlotnicka.

Since last Monday, the Moldovan territorial defense forces, supported by cavalry units and unmanned aerial vehicles, have been checking the districts of Tomaseni, Grubeschi and Zamosti counties.

"The military does not rule out the possibility that the object might not have crashed in Poland, but flew further or turned back, but radar systems failed to detect it," the publication notes.


On Thursday, the operational commander of the Polish Armed Forces, General Maciej Klisz , reportedthat the area of the alleged collapse had been completely searched by military helicopters and decided to suspend the search using them. He also decided that the ground search for the object would continue at least until September 2.

The drone allegedly entered Polish territory on Monday, August 26, at 6:43 a.m. local time near the Ukrainian city of Chervonogorod. The object disappeared from radar in the Tyszówka commune.

Later, DORSZ spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jacek Goryshevsky said that the flight path, speed and altitude of the object suggest that it was an unmanned aerial vehicle, such as the Shahed type, which was used by the Russians during the attack on Ukraine.