No passengers were injured in Sumy region due to Russian attack on railway station, trains in the region run on schedule - Ukrzaliznytsia

No passengers were injured in Sumy region due to Russian attack on railway station, trains in the region run on schedule - Ukrzaliznytsia

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 26 2024, 01:14 PM  •  12265 views

As a result of an enemy drone attack on a railway station in Sumy region, three railway workers were wounded - one employee of the carriage service, a paramilitary guard and a communications officer - who were on a business trip, no passengers were injured, trains in the region are running on schedule.

As a result of an enemy drone attack on a railway station in Sumy region, three railway workers were wounded - one employee of the carriage service, a paramilitary guard and a communications officer - who were on a business trip, no passengers were injured, trains in the region are running on schedule, Ukrzaliznytsia reported on Thursday, UNN reports.


"We have bad news from Sumy region - three railway workers were wounded as a result of an enemy drone attack on a railway station. Thus, one employee of the carriage house, who was performing his official duties, a paramilitary security officer and a communications officer who were on a business trip were wounded. The injured railroad workers were provided with all necessary medical care. Their lives are not in danger at this time," UZ reported on Telegram.

According to Ukrzaliznytsia, the shelling damaged the station building and smashed 15 windows.

"Fortunately, there were no injuries among passengers and employees of the station. All Ukrzaliznytsia trains in the region are running on schedule," the statement said.

Russian army attacks Sumy railway station with drones, 3 woundedSeptember 26 2024, 12:25 PM • 13043 views