Last year, seven officials of the Ministry of Defense were notified of suspicion of corruption - Kostin

Last year, seven officials of the Ministry of Defense were notified of suspicion of corruption - Kostin

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 22 2024, 05:14 PM  •  22010 views

Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin announced that in 2023, seven officials of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine were notified of suspicion of corruption, and one case was referred to the High Anti-Corruption Court. The crimes included the procurement of low-quality bulletproof vests and personal protective equipment, as well as embezzlement.

In 2023, seven officials of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine were notified of suspicion of committing corruption offenses. One case has already been referred to the High Anti-Corruption Court.

This was announced by Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin during a briefing, reports UNN.


Corruption remains the main internal threat to us. Corruption in the defense sector is particularly dangerous. Last year, under the procedural guidance of prosecutors from specialized defense prosecutor's offices, seven officials of the Ministry of Defense were notified of suspicion of committing corruption-related criminal offenses. Among them are odious officials who, according to the investigation, purchased low-quality bulletproof vests

- Kostin said.

He said that one such case has already been referred to the HACC.

Under the procedural supervision of prosecutors of the Specialized Defense Prosecutor's Office, two more proceedings are being investigated into the purchase of low-quality bulletproof vests and personal protective equipment worth over UAH 1.4 billion, supply of low-quality winter uniforms worth UAH 945 million, and embezzlement of budget funds worth over UAH 250 million

- Kostin added.

In addition, last year, more than 220 criminal proceedings were initiated on the facts of offenses in the field of military registration, which, according to the Prosecutor General, is more than 4 times more than in 2022.

Over the past year and in January of this year, 189 servicemen and employees of the TCC and JV were notified of suspicion of committing criminal offenses. This is three times more than in 2022

- Kostin summarized.


The fifth member of the criminal organization, which supplied low-quality clothing worth UAH 1 billion to the Armed Forces, was detained while trying to cross the border.

On January 17, the State Bureau of Investigation notifieda Lviv businessman, one of the largest suppliers to the Ministry of Defense, and members of a criminal organization of suspicion in the case of UAH 1 billion worth of clothing for the Armed Forces. In particular, it concerns Ihor Hrynkevych and his son Roman.

Ihor Hrynkevych has the status of a suspect in another case - an attempted bribe. On December 29, 2023, SBI officers detained a Lviv businessman while he was trying to bribe one of the heads of the SBI's Main Investigation Department. USD 500,000 was offered for assistance in returning property seized from companies controlled by him during the investigation of criminal proceedings. He is currently in custody.