In the summer, the risk of tetanus infection increases: the Ministry of Health told how to protect yourself

In the summer, the risk of tetanus infection increases: the Ministry of Health told how to protect yourself

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 24 2024, 01:13 PM  •  12533 views

With the onset of heat, the risk of tetanus infection increases due to increased time spent outside. The Ministry of Health reminded about this dangerous disease, and advised to take protective measures, such as vaccination, washing wounds and immediately consult a doctor if symptoms are suspected.

After the onset of heat, people spend more time outside, and therefore the risk of tetanus infection increases. The Ministry of Health reminded about this dangerous disease and told how to protect yourself from it, reports UNN


As indicated in the Ministry of Health, tetanus is caused by Clostridium tetani bacteria that live in the soil and intestinal tract of animals. They can get through dirt into a wound or cut, as a result of animal bites or injury from Sharp Objects, wood fragments.

Tetanus symptoms usually appear within 3-21 days of infection, but can occur both earlier and later than this period.

The main symptoms include:

  •  sleep disorders, irritability;
  •  fever and excessive sweating;
  •  fever and excessive sweating;
  •  increased muscle tone;
  •  Head And Muscle Pain; 
  • Muscle spasms and stiffness: start with the muscles of the face and neck, and then spread to other parts of the body; 
  • Difficulty swallowing: spasms can affect the throat muscles, making it difficult to swallow; 
  •  hypersensitivity to stimuli: light, sound;
  •  prolonged muscle spasms in which the human body bends in an arc.

According to WHO, about 30,000 newborns and 15,000 adults die from tetanus every year worldwide.  according to the Ministry of Health, the death rate is still high in countries with insufficient vaccination coverage.

Due to  mass communication using the tetanus vaccine, the incidence rate has decreased by 97% since 1988.

In Ukraine, tetanus vaccination is included in the calendar of preventive vaccinations, it is done at the expense of the state. The child receives six vaccinations: at two, four and six months, one and a half years, six and 16 years. Then you need to be vaccinated every ten years: at 26, 36, 46 and beyond.

If you suspect that you or someone close to you has symptoms similar to tetanus, the Ministry of health calls  to immediately consult a doctor. However, before receiving medical care, you can take the following measures: :

  •  wound cleaning: wash the wound thoroughly with clean water and soap. Remove any foreign objects from the wound, if possible.
  •  antiseptics: apply an antiseptic to the wound to kill bacteria.
  •  dressing: apply a sterile dressing to protect the wound from further contamination. 
  • Calm and comfort: provide the victim with peace and comfort, avoid sudden movements that can cause cramps.

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