In Odesa, SBI exposes TCC official who organized multimillion-dollar scheme to make money on tax evaders

In Odesa, SBI exposes TCC official who organized multimillion-dollar scheme to make money on tax evaders

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 27 2024, 10:24 AM  •  18507 views

In Odesa, an official of the Primorskyi RTCK of the JV organized a large-scale scheme to make money by helping men who wanted to avoid mobilization to “correct” their data in the Oberih database of the register of persons liable for military service. In this way, the official illegally earned about a million dollars.

In Odesa, law enforcement officers exposed an official of the Primorsky RTC and Odesa JV who organized a large-scale mechanism for making money on men who want to avoid mobilization. This was stated by the State Bureau of Investigation, reports UNN.


Investigators found that scheme had been operating in the Odesa recruitment center since July 2023. At that time, the head of the department unauthorizedly began to interfere with the work of the electronic database of the register of persons liable for military service "Oberih" and "corrected" the data on 138 persons liable for military service, falsely making them unfit for military service.

Such a service cost the fugitives from USD 4.5 to 7 thousand and allowed the defendant to earn at least USD 1 million.

The official was served a notice of suspicion of unauthorized interference with information and communication systems (Part 5 Art. 361 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), the issue of choosing a measure of restraint and removing him from office is being decided

- the bureau summarized.

The sanction of the article provides for a sentence of up to 15 years in prison. The full range of persons involved in the fraud is currently being identified.

The law enforcement conducted 14 searches at the places of work and residence of the suspect and participants of the scheme. Procedural actions are ongoing.

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Law enforcement officials add that the SBI has identified all those who managed to take advantage of the scheme. Some of them managed to travel abroad.

In the course of joint activities of the SBI with the RTCC and JTF officers, the fugitives who remained in Ukraine were taken to the recruitment center to update their data and further mobilize to the Armed Forces.


The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) has already checked more than 500 officials of the TCC's management. At least eight employees were found to have corruption violations.