Georgia's ruling party uses photos of Ukrainian cities destroyed by Russia for its election banners

Georgia's ruling party uses photos of Ukrainian cities destroyed by Russia for its election banners

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 26 2024, 01:06 PM  •  12403 views

Georgia's ruling party posted campaign banners with photos of destroyed Ukrainian cities. They were contrasted with peaceful Georgian cities, calling for “choosing peace” and “saying no to war.

The ruling party of Georgia, Georgian Dream, used photos of destroyed Ukrainian cities as part of its election campaign. The images of destruction were contrasted with Georgian cities, fountains and new buses. This was reported by a number of Georgian media outlets, UNN reported.


It is noted that the new banners appeared this Thursday, September 26. In most cases, these are the same type of posters or videos, where images of destruction in Ukraine are contrasted with entire Georgian cities and fountains.

The captions on the banners call on voters to "choose peace" and "say no to war." In some places, a part of the poster with photos of the destruction is supplemented with numbers in the electoral lists of opposition pro-Western parties. 

According to the portal Sova , some of the most recognizable photos, including those of Kyiv and Mariupol, can be seen in some of the frames. 

Meanwhile , the video on the official page of the Georgian Dream party has already garnered about 4,000 reactions and several hundred comments. 

Among the latter, many share the idea of the "Georgian Dream" and approve of such advertising.


In the spring , Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze statedthat no one would wait for Maidan in Georgia and cynically mentioned the "results" of the protests for Ukraine.