Former head of education department in Sumy region is served suspicion notice of abuse of office in gas procurement

Former head of education department in Sumy region is served suspicion notice of abuse of office in gas procurement

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 10 2024, 02:08 AM  •  14269 views

In Sumy region, the former head of the education department was served a notice of suspicion for abuse of office in the purchase of gas. He entered into a contract and then signed additional agreements, which resulted in an overpayment of UAH 151,604.12.

In Sumy region, the former head of the Department of Education was served a notice of suspicion for abuse of office in the purchase of gas. This is reported by the Prosecutor's Office of Sumy region, UNN reports.


Under the leadership of the Bilopil District Prosecutor's Office of Sumy region, the former head of the Bilopil district education department was served with a notice of suspicion.

He signed an agreement with the LLC for the supply of natural gas, and a few days later signed additional agreements, increasing the cost of gas from UAH 6,749.1 to UAH 1,1384.03 per 1000 cubic meters.

Посадовця НБУ підозрюють в продажі землі за заниженою ціною зі збитками у понад 5 млн гривень September 9 2024, 10:27 AM • 11498 views