Fog and up to 19°C: weather forecast for today
Kyiv • UNN
In Ukraine, partly cloudy weather is expected without significant precipitation, with fog in some places. Temperatures will be 4-9° C at night, 11-16° C during the day, up to 19° C in the south, southwest wind with a shift to northwest.
Weather without significant precipitation is expected in Ukraine today, with fog in some places. The temperature will be 11-16° in the daytime, up to 19° in the south, the Ukrainian Weather Service told UNN.
Partly cloudy weather is forecast for October 28. No significant precipitation.
In the western, Chernihiv, Sumy and southeastern regions, there is fog in some places at night and in the morning.
Southwest wind with a shift to northwest, 5-10 m/s.
Temperatures at night are 4-9° Celsius; during the day 11-16°, in the southern regions up to 19°.
Weather forecast for the Kyiv region
Partly cloudy weather. No significant precipitation. Southwest wind with a shift to northwest, 5-10 m/s. Temperature at night will be 4-9° Celsius, during the day 11-16°. In Kyiv the temperature at night will be 5-7° Celsius, during the day 13-15°.