Firefighters save an entire village from fire in Kyiv region

Firefighters save an entire village from fire in Kyiv region

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 10 2024, 06:15 AM  •  6408 views

In Vyshgorod district of Kyiv region, rescuers extinguished a 2.8-hectare fire that threatened the village of Marianivka. The fire was spreading rapidly due to strong winds, but residential buildings, a farm and a school were saved.

In the Kyiv region, rescuers extinguished a 2.8-hectare fire that was spreading rapidly due to wind and threatening the village of Marianivka, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported on Tuesday on social media, UNN reports.

Rescuers save an entire village from fire in Kyiv region

- the SES reported.


In the Vyshgorod district, near the village of Maryanivka, dry vegetation in an open area caught fire yesterday. Due to strong gusts of wind, the fire burned hundreds of meters of fields, bushes and vegetable gardens in a matter of minutes, the State Emergency Service said.

Private homes, a farm with animals, and a school building were threatened by the fire.

"Rescuers from three regions managed to extinguish the fire, which covered an area of 2.8 hectares," the SES said.

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