Dry and warm weather with a southerly wind: forecast for today
Kyiv • UNN
Today in Ukraine there is no precipitation, southerly wind, 7-12 m/s, in some places gusts of 17-22 m/s, air temperature at night 5-14°C, during the day 14-24°C.
Dry and warm weather is expected in Ukraine today - in some places the temperature will reach 24° Celsius, but it will be windy in some places, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.
According to weather forecasters, there will be no precipitation in Ukraine today.
The wind is mainly southerly, 7-12 m/s, in the Carpathians, during the day and in the western regions, gusts of 17-22 m/s in some places.
The temperature is 5-10° Celsius at night, 9-14° Celsius in the western regions; 19-24° Celsius during the day, 14-19° Celsius in the highlands of the Carpathians and on the seaside.
Weather in the capital region
No precipitation in the Kyiv region today.
South wind, 7-12 m/s.
The temperature is 5-10°C at night and 19-24°C during the day.
According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, the average monthly temperature in April is expected to be 8-13°, with the Carpathians at 6-7°, which is close to normal, and only in most western, Vinnytsia and Odesa regions by 1-1.5° above normal.
Monthly precipitation is expected to be 30-52 mm, with 60-89 mm in the Carpathians, which is within the normal range.