Continuity of justice: the law defining the procedure for enrollment and transfer of employees of the judiciary of Ukraine came into force
Kyiv • UNN
The law simplifying the procedure for the selection and transfer of judges to the Supreme Court of Ukraine came into force on December 27, 2023.
The Law of Ukraine on ensuring the continuity of the administration of justice by the highest court in the judicial system of Ukraine comes into force on December 27, 2023. The Act provides for the procedure and the possibility of enrollment of judges to the staff of the Supreme Court; transfer of employees of the staff of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to equivalent positions, as well as judges of the Higher specialized, commercial, administrative courts to the appellate or local court, reports UNN.
On November 21, 2023, the Law of Ukraine on Ensuring the Continuity of Administration of Justice by the High Court of Justice in the Judicial System of Ukraine (No. 3481-IX) was adopted. On December 22, 2023, the document was signed by the President of Ukraine. Today the Law comes into force
The Act provides the following:
The President of the Supreme Court enrolls judges of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in the staff of the Supreme Court in the cassation court of the specialization corresponding to the specialization of the judicial chamber of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in which such judge administered justice;
The staff of the The staff of the apparatus of the Supreme Court of Ukraine is transferred without mandatory competition for equivalent positions, provided they are available.
The Law defines the possibility and procedure for the transfer of a judge of the High Specialized Court of Ukraine for for Civil and Criminal Cases, the High Commercial Court of Ukraine, the High Administrative Court of Ukraine to an appellate court or local court that corresponds to the specialization of such a judge.
Also also establishes that judges of the Supreme Court of Ukraine elected to office before the entry into force of the of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (regarding Justice)", and judges of the High Specialized Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases, the High Commercial Court of Ukraine of Civil and Criminal Cases, the High Commercial Court of Ukraine, the High Administrative Court of Ukraine, transferred to other courts, are evaluated by the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine for compliance with the position held by criteria of competence, professional ethics and integrity.